Monday, 27 January 2014

Alcohol Addiction Recovery: Care and Concern Rehab

When alcoholism begins to negatively affect your life or that of someone you care about, you probably should consider an alcohol treatment center.

You will never find a better solution to alcohol addiction and/or alcohol abuse than an alcohol rehabilitation center. It is merely stating the obvious to say that nobody wants to admit to having issues with alcohol addiction. Although stating that you have an alcohol addiction is admirable, and the first step toward recovery, it also means you may have the fight of your life ahead of you.

Call us on 08693875000 to discuss alcohol treatment plans. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Effects of Alcohol
Alcoholism and the abuse of alcohol not only affect the abuser, but the people around the abuser. The effects can range from personal issues to legal problems and serious medical concerns such as cirrhosis of the liver, which can lead to liver failure and result in death. In general, alcohol affects an alcoholic's everyday life making it impossible to effectively participate in the most routine and mundane life activities.
A low dose of alcohol significantly impairs a person's judgment and coordination to perform the simplest of tasks. It interferes with a person's ability to drive a car or safely operate machinery. Even low to moderate doses of alcohol can cause the abuser to be more aggressive, sometimes resulting in domestic violence and child abuse.
A person taking in a moderate level of alcohol experiences dizziness and becomes more talkative. The immediate results of increased alcohol intake are slurred speech, followed by nausea and vomiting, along with disturbed sleep. Another adverse effect of alcohol abuse is the common hangover. A person experiencing a hangover can exhibit symptoms from moderate to severe levels, including thirst, headache, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness.
Additionally, a person abusing alcohol may experience a blackout where time is lost. During a blackout, the abuser may do things they will not remember later. Along with blackouts, short-term memory loss is another mental effect resulting from alcohol abuse.

Alcohol rehabilitation is a necessary, long, and difficult process an alcoholic must endure to become sober. When the body is subjected to the removal of alcohol is after an extended period of exposure, it reacts violently. The best setting for an alcoholic undergoing rehabilitation and becoming sober is medical facility where the patient remains in the care of a trained professional. All aspects of healthy rehabilitation (physical, nutritional, and emotional) are as important as the others, and all are considered part of the process to become sober. A rehab center is best equipped to provide a proper and healthier recovery.

The first step in the process of becoming sober is rehab. It is important for an alcoholic to consult a trained medical professional for the best plan to facilitate recovery.

The second step of alcohol rehab is the physical aspect. Nutrition is important to a healthy recovery. When a person going through rehabilitation is on a good meal plan and getting the right blend of foods, the body reacts better and healthier, resulting in a more comfortable recovery.

The third step of alcohol rehab is emotional. Alcohol rehab can be extremely emotionally draining for a person fighting to get sober. It is possible an alcoholic drinks because they cannot handle emotions they experience. Having a strong support system can make the difference in whether the alcoholic is successful in their recovery process or not.

Complete alcohol rehab needs to be reached before an alcoholic can begin to recover. Once rehab has occurred, the alcoholic will spend the rest of their life being a recovering alcoholic. Going through the recovery process gives the recovering alcoholic the means to live a happy healthy life, and can be the difference between life and death.

CnC Rehab Team
Call Us: +91-8693875000

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Deaddiction Treatment Centres in India: CnC Rehab

Care and Concern Trust (CnC) is one of the leading deaddiction treatment centres in India, committed to drug abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of those addicted to alcohol, heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana, cough syrups, sedatives, tranquilizers, pain killers or any other drug.  CnC trust is involved in the movement against Substance Abuse and its related problems including HIV/AIDS. It has ingeniously discovered time tested techniques of identification, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation of victims of Substance Abuse and Alcohol Abuse.
Deaddiction Treatment Centres in India

Our care and concern trust has treatmentand rehabilitation facilities for the treatment of marijuana addicts, heroin addicts, Cocaine addicts, alcoholics and treatment of other drug abusers, including polypro addicts. The Care and concern alcohol and drug treatment and rehabilitation program is not only to provide world class treatment to alcoholics and addicts, but also provide the addict's family with the support it requires in dealing with the situations. We use the WHO (World Health Organization) approved 12-Step treatment process to achieve complete abstinence from drug or alcohol abuse. The 12 Step process is considered the "Most Effective Treatment ForAddiction" , as it is a holistic approach targeted at healing mind, body and spirit. The impact of untreated psychiatric conditions on newly recovering patient can be equally severe. In these cases, without simultaneous treatment and resolution of the underlying issue, the patient’s sobriety may be in serious jeopardy. That is why our model combines a variety of treatment modalities with traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy and twelve step works.

Drug addiction and Alcoholism has well-recognized cognitive, behavioral, and physiological characteristics that contribute to continued use of alcohol and drugs, by the addict, despite the harmful consequences. It has been scientifically proved that chronic drug abuse alters the brain's anatomy and chemistry and that these changes can last for months or years after the individual has stopped using drugs. This transformation may help explain why addicts are at a high risk of relapse to drug abuse even after long periods of abstinence, and why they persist in seeking drugs despite deleterious consequences and necessarily need long term treatment.
Any other alcohol and drug treatment process can help an alcoholic or addict stop alcohol or drugs. Care and concern treatment helps an addict to stop and not to relapse.

CnC Rehab Team
Call Us: +91-8693875000